It has been an amazing month at Perxels and we’d like to share a few testimonials from our latest graduates! The Cohort 2 students are wrapping up their journey as Perxels mentees and we are delighted to share some of their experiences as well as designs with you.
Okechi Emezue
Before Perxels, I started learning design through YouTube. I felt alone and confused about a lot of things, then I saw the Perxels’ mentorship ad on Twitter and I followed up.I was added to the beginners class after the assessment and onboarding into Perxels.
My experience in Perxels has been awesome. First of all, I enjoyed the webinar sessions with more experienced designers (I found them very insightful). Secondly I began to understand how to behave and react in a team. Finally, having somebody to judge your work was nice. I got the opportunity to interact and network with other developing designers too. So I can boldly say that Perxels gave me a feeling of community.
Two months into the training I got a job placement, so I’d say that my reason for joining Perxels was met.
Twitter: @DIICC
Portfolio link : Okechi Emezue
LinkedIn: Okechi Emezue
Koiki Oladapo Khalid
I was introduced to Perxels by my fiancée actually. She got a session link from one of the team members (Banji) who happened to be her friend and she sent it to me since I had interest in UIUX. I couldn’t afford to miss this session. After the session, I signed up for the mentorship program because I was convinced it would definitely make me grow in the field. I joined Perxels because I wanted to improve my User Interface design skill of which journey I started some time last year.
I was in the intermediate class and honestly, I’ll run out of words if I start to describe my experience at Perxels. However I’d just say it was a great journey all through. From meeting and making friends with great minds in the field, to learning new things from the sessions that were hosted by Pros. It was indeed a great journey for me.
Definitely, the purpose of joining Perxels was met and even more. I definitely got more than what I paid for.
Social media link: @mediakobi
Dribbble: bjkoiki19
Olaoluwa Sofowora
I found out about Perxels on Twitter. I think I saw a link to join the community so I did. I joined Perxels to improve my UI/UX knowledge. This was because I witnessed a review session where top designers reviewed the work of younger designers in the Perxels community and I realized I needed to learn to see the things the senior designers were seeing. I was placed in the intermediate class and I can boldly say that my experience has been great.
I have learnt a lot and I’m a better, more confident designer. 10/10 recommend.
Behance: olaolusofowora
LinkedIn: Olaoluwa Sofowora